Cytopathology is a diagnostic technique that examines cells from various body sites to determine the cause or the nature of disease.
PAP Test : The first cytopathology test developed was the Pap test which has been widely utilized in the last 50 years for screening and diagnosing of cervical cancer and its precursors. The Pap test is considered the most successful screening test in medical history.
Fluid Analysis: Since the development of the Pap test, the practice of cytopathology has expanded to include samples from nearly all body sites. Cell samples are taken for analysis as part of many diagnostic tests such as bronchoscopy or cystoscopy.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC): Nearly any tissue mass can be sampled and diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy. In this procedure, cells are aspirated from masses just below the skin ( OPD Procedure). This approach allows diagnosis of a lesion with minimal discomfort to the patient and guides the primary physician in the next steps in patient follow-up.
Dr. Aparna Govind, LD & QM of Care Diagnostix is a trained Cyto-pathologist and Histopathologist from Grant Medical College Mumbai and has vast experience in the subject of more than 2 decades.